standards required for justices of the peace (qualified)

This file last saved 19/08/12 19:40

  1. Abide by the law and be of good behaviour at all times.
  2. Identify any special requirements.
  3. Do not accept any reward, gift or payment for services rendered as a part of your official duties.
  4. Do not repeat to another person any information that has been divulged to you in the course of your duties, unless required to do so in a court of law. All information is to be treated with utmost confidentiality.
  5. Do not user any information you receive as a result of your official duties for your own or another person's profit.
  6. Never give legal advice.
  7. Do not witness any document unless the oath or declaration is authorised by an Act or other law.
  8. Do not witness a document unless it is substantially in the correct format for that type of document. Variations that are unusual and not provided for under an Act or other law should not be witnessed.
  9. Do not witness a document that the signatory has signed other than in your presence.
  10. Do not witness a blank document or a document that has blank spaces in it.
  11. Always warn the signatory of the consequences of making a false statement.
  12. When witnessing an oath, affirmation of declaration, always ensure that the signatory takes it in the proper manner and that nothing is substituted for the Bible, Torah, Pentateuch or Koran when they are are required.
  13. Do not be pressured into signing a document. Ensure the documentation is correct, and if unsure, find out before you sign it.
  14. Do not refuse to sign a document unless it is blasphemous, sedition, obscene, known to be false, vindictive or vexatious. [As noted above, the JP (Qual) is not to sign documents which are not authorised by law to be witnessed, documents which are not in substantially the correct format or documents with blank spaces.]
  15. Do not have your registration number engraved on your seal of office.
  16. Advise the Department of Justice and Attorney-General of any change of address.
  17. Advise the Department of Justice and Attorney-General of any even that would disqualify you from holding office.